Tiananmen Square protests of 1989

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Tinanmen Square Summary

On April 15 year 1989, students gathered together in Tinanmen Square to mourn the death of general secretary Hu Yaobang. The government did not like the gathering and sent the police to scatter the students, the next day after the incident been published in People’s Daily 200,000 students from several universities marched to the square to protest against the government. Ten thousands of students began a hunger strike on May 13, later workers and reporters joined the crowd. The current president felt that this was a threat for his facade of international prestige so he called in the troops May 20 to get it under control. 150,000 troops were called in by the government, but they had a problem, all the students, workers and civil people now blocked the way to Tinanmen Square. On the third of June army tanks rolled in attempting to clear the square the army ended up killing an undisclosed number of civilians.

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